
I am a software engineer and a lifelong student of computer science, with specific interests in programming languages, type theory, compilers, and math. I co-founded the Columbus branch of Papers We Love, a reading group for people interested in academic computer science research. In my spare time, I play Irish traditional music on the wooden flute and tin whistle, and synthwave on some rather more complicated instruments.

I am Director of Consulting with Improving in Columbus, Ohio. You can read my full résumé. I work with a variety of organizations to improve the alignment between their software systems and business strategy, using both process and technology changes to make this happen. I am interested in working with clients whose employees are motivated to work together to improve their community, regardless of the specific technical stack in use. If you’re trying to solve a difficult technical problem, and want to bounce ideas around, I’d love to talk with you!


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My open source code.


Site proudly generated by Hakyll. You can look at the source code.

Caricature of me by Nate Lovett.

Substantial portions of CSS borrowed from Compose Conference theme by Katy Chuang.

The English text on this site by Craig Stuntz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

The software source code in all posts and source code attachments written by Craig Stuntz may be used under terms of the MIT license. Note, however, that some of the attached projects include code written by other people, under terms of different licenses. While I believe that these licenses are compatible with the MIT license, and that I am using their works legally, it is entirely up to you to make sure that these licenses are compatible with your own code, and that you are using this code legally, should you include their work as well as my own in your project.

Binary attachments (executable code) are copyright by Craig Stuntz with all rights reserved.

Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available; contact me at the address above.